Hungarian Music Videos #1

Welcome to our occasional round-up of Hungarian music videos, freshly picked, prepared and delivered directly into your lap (top). For our initial selection, we've opted for a gypsy/balkan theme. So, to get the ball rolling...

1) Parno Graszt - Este Jrok

This excellent band plays around once a month in the city, typically in venues such as West Balkan and Gödör. They're originally from the town of Paszab, a place which their myspace page describes as being in one of the most 'underdeveloped' and 'culturally authentic' regions in the country. The highway code certainly doesn't look too important in Paszab - apparently it's perfectly acceptable for the twenty-strong group to stand around, blocking roads, bridges and other major thoroughfares. In fact, the whole town seems content to join in the madness.

2) Cigánycsárdás (Gypsy-csárdás)

The next video caused me to re-think my ideas about dancing properly to gypsy music. Before I saw this it all looked rather difficult, but obviously, I couldn't have been more wrong. What you really have to do is just watch the dancers, remember the steps, and copy them...

3) Besh O droM - Amikor én még kissrác voltam

Our final clip comes from stalwarts of the Budapest music scene Besh O droM, a band known for their breathless fusion of techniques and musical styles. The song is a cover version of a runner-up from a 1968 music contest, and this fantastic video shows that contest, slickly re-edited. You can hardly see what's new and what isn't.

Andy T.

parno grast, gypsy music, besh o drum, bosh a drom, folk music, hungarian music


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